Author: Mark Entin, Ekaterina Entina – 26/04/2019
By 2019, the escalation of the crisis in relations between Russia and the Council of Europe (hereinafter referred to as CoE) reached its apogee. The question of Russia’s withdrawal from this oldest authoritative European organization or about its exclusion from it rose to its full height. The long-awaited resolution of the CoE parliamentary body 2277 of April 10, 2019 does not remove it either. The resolution is full of self-praise and proposals for extending its influence to other international and national structures, but does not contain any constructive solutions.
Tensions between Moscow and Strasbourg have always been present. It is difficult to remember the time when they would be cloudless. The conflict has matured for a long time. However, no one could have imagined that it would reach such sharpness and a possible gap.
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© Mark Entin – Professor at MGIMO University, Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) MFA Russia
© Ekaterina Entina – Associate Professor at National Research University Higher School of Economics
Source: RIAC, All Europe e-journal
IISES – International Institute for Sociale and Economic Studies, Vienna
This article is published within the Platform Europe Project
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