Author: Juan Martin González Cabañas – 08/04/2021
This report aims to realize an overview of the level of preference and confidence by the public opinion regarding the Sputnik V vaccine in Argentina and other Latin America countries (Brazil, Mexico, Peru and Chile) based on available surveys.

source | level of preference | period |
CELAG | 75% (first place) | March 2021 |
Poliarquía | 56% (first place) | March 2021 |
Berensztein | 26% (first place) | March 2021 |
Real time Data | 33% (first place) | February 2021 |
Giacobbe | 42% (first place) | November 2020 |
Opinaia | 45% (first place) | October 2020 |
According to the present review of opinion polls published in recent months on perceptions regarding vaccines against Covid-19, the Russian Sputnik V is the preferred vaccine by the Argentines (with an advantage of 4 out of 6 surveys reviewed).
source | level of confidence in the vaccine | period |
Rouvier y Asociados | 51% | March 2021 |
Universidad de San Andrés | 61% | March 2021 |
On the basis of the previous surveys it is inferred that the perception of the level of confidence in the vaccine the Sputnik V vaccine in Argentina is quite high
As we observed in the course of this tracking regarding the perception on coronavirus vaccines, over the months the opinion towards the Sputnik V vaccine has improved –despite the notorious and irresponsible campaign by media and opposition leaders against this vaccine– this aspect is surely related to the beginning of the vaccination plan by the Argentine government, in addition to being the main vaccine of the Argentine plan, Sputnik V did not present any major adverse results.
So far, 4.713.723 doses have been applied in Argentina (about 9% of its total population).
Political polarization also led to different opinions about Covid vaccination, where a preference was observed among supporters of the opposition (Juntos por el Cambio) towards the Pfizer and Oxford/Astrazeneca vaccines, while those with more favorable positions toward the government (Frente de Todos) are more favorable toward the Sputnik V vaccine.

source | level of preference | period |
DataPoder | 7% (fourth place) | August 2020 |

source | level of preference | period |
El Financiero | 15% (second place) | February 2021 |
Gabinete de Comunicación Estratégica (GCE) | 18% (second place) | January – March 2021 2020 |
Mitofsky | 17%( second place) | April 2021 |
source | level of confidence in the vaccine | period |
El Financiero | 66% | August 2020 |
YouGov | 80% | November |

source | level of preference | period |
IPSOS | 19% (first place) | February 2021 |
source | level of confidence in the vaccine | period |
IPSOS | 19% | February 2021 |

source | level of confidence in the vaccine | period |
Cadem | 33% | January 2021 |
Based on the data provided by the surveys we can make certain inferences about our two parameters under study:
– level of preference for the Sputnik V vaccine: in Argentina (by a large margin) and Peru it is the preferred vaccine, in Mexico it occupies a marked second place of preference, and in Chile and Brazil it is much more relegated in its position.
– level of confidence in the Sputnik V vaccine: in general terms, according to public opinion studies carried out, the Sputnik V vaccine has a high degree of confidence in the Latin American countries analyzed
In chronological observation, since last year to the present, we can see that so far the trend is towards the consolidation of the position of the Sputnik V vaccine in exposure, level of preference and confidence by the citizenship and governments in Latin America.
According to this review of recent public opinion surveys, the Sputnik V vaccine is on the podium of the most reliable and preferred vaccines against Covid by Latin Americans.
Other articles by Juan Martin González Cabañas published in Vision & Global Trends. International Institute for Global Analyses’ website:
- Vaccination: Market Commodity or Public Good?
- Vision & Global Trends presence at Latin American conference
- The world order after the US elections
- SAOCOM 1B: Italy and Argentina partners in outer space
- The slow decline of Catholicism in Latin America
- Latin America – Russia: An Agenda for Constructive Cooperation in the Post-COVID-19 Era
- Synthesis and analysis of the IEES Panorama of geopolitical trends Horizon 2040
- International Relations: a Critical Theory from the South American periphery
- Argentina in the Multipolar Order
- The War for the Web
- Old roads and new paradigms: on the last BRI Summit
- The second return of Marco Polo to Italy
- Huawei case: high tech war, strategic competition, geopolitical tension
- The South American and Venezuelan Uncertain Horizon