Author: Jan Campbell – 15/09/2023
2023 China – Europe Seminar on Human Rights
Modernization and the Diversity of Human Rights Civilizations
Rome, September 20th 2023
Modernization and the Free and Well-rounded Development of Every Person
Jan Campbell
At the conference dedicated to the Comparison of Human Rights Values between the East and the West, held in Vienna (Austria) on 20 – 22 June 2019 I delivered a paper titled – A contextual view at human rights. In it I confirmed that there is no doubt, that the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR), drafted in 1950 and entered into force on 3 September 1953 is an international convention to protect human rights and political freedoms in Europe, but at the same time I said, that the ECHR is outdated, and today, when considering the current transformation processes related to basic values of the variety of civilizations, the ECHR is even dead.
Given issues, like the absence of trust in geopolitics and international relations, ruthless competition between states and civilizations and the abuse of power to name a few and which surround the topic, this paper will argue that the key characteristics of HR stand for a fundamental human right whose protection cannot be absolute. Further, that current processes and events in the world could have been avoided, if the human being would learn from the history, and that one of the realistic solutions stands for a radical transformation of each individual which can become the beginning of a peaceful life for all people living on this Planet.
Continue reading, please download the Analytical Dossier AD_07_2023 ISSN 2704-6419

Jan Campbell (1946) – studied construction engineering, architecture and philosophy; post-gradually also biocybernetics, Islamic banking and insurance. Professionally he was active during mid and long term in several countries including Great Britain, Italy, Switzerland, Malaysia, ex-USSR, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Russian Federation, Czech Republic and Germany, of which he is a citizen. Professional activities and experiences allowed to accept positions like a Head of EC Co-ordinating for TACIS programme, personal advisor to PM and analyst of political – economic risks including issues of Science diplomacy and work designated for narrow professional and public audiences, including university students. He obtained an honorary professor’s degree at the Ural State Agrarian University. In Slovakia he was awarded the Golden Biatec for 2014 for humanizing society through publishing about the development and solutions of civilizational problems and global priorities.