Autore: Geopolitica Rivista – 30/12/2022

GEOPOLITICA ISSN 2009-9193 Vol XI n. 1-2/2022 – La geopolitica delle risorse al tempo della guerra tra l’Occidente e la Russia – Abstracts FOCUS: LA GEOPOLITICA DELLE RISORSE AL TEMPO DELLA GUERRA TRA L’OCCIDENTE E LA RUSSIA The role of natural gas in the energy choices of the United States and Germany Il ruolo del gas naturale nelle scelte energetiche di Stati uniti e Germania Giuseppe Gagliano Centro studi strategici Carli De Cristoforis - Cestudec ABSTRACT Historically up to the early 1970s, the United States was still the largest oil producer in the world but the 1973/74 oil crisis related to the Arab oil embargo will cause a huge shock for the United States. This means that the political and economic oligarchies of the United States must acknowledge - in spite of themselves - that the energy domination is in danger of waning, which is why the American presidents stress the need for energy independence and therefore the elimination of dependence on geopolitically unstable regions. such as the Middle East. As a result, various programs are put in place to reduce the demand for oil and increase production, including that of alternative fuels. However, domestic oil production continued to decline and oil imports increased until the middle of the first decade of the 2000s. Over the same period, US imports of natural gas, particularly from Qatar, increased significantly. thanks to the construction of large liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminals. The US energy security situation is therefore perceived by elites as disastrous due to the country's growing dependence on foreign imports. However, in the past decade, the exploitation of shale gas on the North American continent has changed the geo-economic situation in the way American energy seeks to exploit this new energy resource particularly with Europe. Well, precisely with regard to Europe, the case of Germany is emblematic. Germany suffers from a dependence on energy supplies. Indeed, prior to the current war with Ukraine there was close cooperation not only with the United States but especially with Russia through Nord Stream 2. However, this balancing game has never been accepted by Americans who fear that Germany will escape the taking them. On the other hand, Germany's membership of NATO and its dependence on American military industry determines another dependence on Germany. Based on the results of the current war between Russia and Ukraine, it is clear that the United States has achieved a very important objective, namely that of cutting all ties between Germany and Russia and therefore of forcing Germany to depend on energy from the energy point of view. Whether this dependence on Germany is likely to increase is due to the inauspicious choices made by Germany in relation to giving up both coal and nuclear power. Overall, we are convinced that the current war is giving - at least at present -to the USA a formidable power tool to increasingly reduce Europe's independence and increase the dependence of European countries on the United States also from an energy point of view as well as from a strictly military one. KEYWORDS: Qatar, Nord Stream 2, Shale gas, Energy security, Nuclear energy The geopolitics of energy resources from the Baltic Sea to the Black Sea La geopolitica delle risorse energetiche dal Mar Baltico al Mar Nero Vadislav Gulevich Analista indipendente ABSTRACT The article deals with the geopolitical problems that influence the space between the Baltic and Black Seas, with particular reference to the gas, oil and naphtha markets. The competition between Poland and Romania on the one hand and the Russian Federation on the other is analysed, both from a geopolitical and economic point of view. In the context of the replacement of Russian resources with US ones in Europe, Poland and Romania are trying to implement a strategy aimed at weakening Russia's position, in order to assume the role of transit countries for gas coming from the USA. The strategy of Warsaw and Bucharest amplifies Western pressure on Moscow, causing its countermeasures. KEYWORDS: Baltic Sea, Black Sea, Poland, Romania, energy resources Economy, resources, war: the dark side of geopolitics and logistics Economia, risorse, guerra: il lato oscuro della geopolitica e della logistica Gino Lanzara Visiting Research Fellow, Webster University di Ginevra ABSTRACT At a time when war has returned to Europe, the need to look at elements that have so far been neglected becomes pressing. While globalization shows its weaknesses, there is a need to study and implement a different policy for the use of resources, rediscovering set aside economic and logistical dictates. The master of the field is geoeconomics which, in its complexity, takes away space and visibility from the easier and quicker strategic aspects. KEYWORDS: geoeconomics, globalization, resources, war, supply chain The proportion that links Moscow to Taipei La proporzione che lega Mosca a Taipei Giuseppe Morabito Nato Defence College Foundation ABSTRACT Today a proportion can be hazarded: “Russian gas is to the European economy as Taiwanese microchips are to the world economy ". Aggressor and potential attacker are holders of "different powers" which also have an essential influence on the current economic world. Italy, EU, NATO and their allies are committed to maintaining the sovereignty of Ukraine. At the same time, the whole free world must and will have to look with concern at the possible prevarication by the Chinese Communist Party of the sovereignty of the democratic Republic of China - Taiwan. Gambit or strategic thinking exercise, the Author seeks to clarify the geopolitical motivations and declare the evidence. KEY WORDS: Taiwan, microchip, China, World Space War Guerra mondiale spaziale Manfredi Orlando, Osservatorio Globalizzazione - Emanuel Pietrobon, InsideOver e Ambrosetti ABSTRACT A new space race has begun, with old and new powers joining it and with several non-state actors trying to participate in the game. Differently from the past, it is no longer matter of who moon-lands first, but of who gets to exploit the space resources first. And, similarly to the past, it is again a kind of West vs. the Rest scenario. If it is true that when France sneezes, the rest of Europe catches cold, it is equally true that what happens on Earth has reverberations on space. Space wars are around the corner. Space systems are already impacting on wars – see the StarLink's role in the Ukraine conflict. And scrambles for space resources are about to begin. KEYWORDS: Rare-earth element, space race, great power competition The great economic turning point La grande svolta economica Alexander Rahr Senior Fellow, WeltTrends Institute for International Politics, Potsdam ABSTRACT The article illustrates the two schools of thought that animate the German debate on the Ukrainian conflict. The geopolitical and geoeconomic impacts in the medium and long term of the current confrontation between the West and the Russian Federation are also analysed, with particular reference to the issue of energy resources. According to the Author, we are in the presence of an epochal economic turning point that will profoundly impact the economic and social process of the future. KEYWORDS: Ukrainian conflict, geopolitical impact, geoeconomic impact, energy resources, new cold war Geopolitics of resources. Wealth and poverty. Western Europe between recession or relegation Geopolitica delle risorse. Ricchezza e povertà. L’Occidente europeo tra recessione o retrocessione Giuseppe Romeo Università del Piemonte Orientale, Università di Torino ABSTRACT Bread, gas, water ... or butter and cannons? Having lived the pandemic experience, reworked the economic difficulties underlying a contraction of production and markets due to the policies of containment and restraint of human activities put in place, the Western world awakens again with yet another crisis that affects its future: the Russian-Ukrainian conflict. A crisis which, for an economy heavily dependent on continuous supply and exercisable control over energy resources, raw materials and production has meant that Europe in particular, minus the United States, is now forced again to make count with that freedom which has gradually weakened its strength as a productive power and as a market… And so, in these times that mark a profound transition towards models not yet tested, in which the resistance of a unilateral approach, that of the United States, is confronted with a strongly multilateral thrust that comes from the emerging countries of the Far East and beyond, Europe loses that possibility of being able to make a difference, risking to find itself occupying that marginal space that in the years of the best Eurocentrism was referred to as the Third World. KEY WORDS: European Union, Russia-Ukraine crisis, United States, globalization, interdependence, neoliberalism, natural gas, rare-earth metals, water, grain. The transportation of goods and the war in Ukraine Il trasporto delle merci e la guerra in Ucraina Giovanni Saccà Collegio Ingegneri Ferroviari Italiani Sezione di Verona ABSTRACT The Russian invasion of Ukraine, initiated by the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation on February 24, 2022, marked an abrupt escalation of the Russian-Ukrainian crisis that has been underway since 2014 when the Russian Federation occupied and annexed the Ukrainian Oblast into its Republics. of Crimea as the Republic of Crimea and supported the Ukrainian Oblast separatists of Donetsk and Luhansk, against the Ukrainian army. The invasion of Ukraine was preceded by the recognition on February 21, 2022, by the Russian Federation of the independence of the Ukrainian Oblasts of Donetsk and Luhansk, territories partly under the control of separatists and partly of Ukraine. Large-scale Western sanctions against the Russian Federation have led to a reduction in the volume of world trade and a sharp rise in the prices of food, energy, commodities, with abrupt disruptions and changes in supply chains, which were already under stress following the Covid-19 pandemic. The impossibility of crossing the Russian-Ukrainian border and the choice of many operators to interrupt trade relations with the Russian Federation and not to cross its territory has imposed the need to choose alternative routes, often longer and difficult to transit, for the transport of goods. The continuation of the war and the annexation as Republics of the Russian Federation of the occupied territories of Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson and Zaporizhzhia on 09/30/2022, is further complicating the situation by increasing the civil, humanitarian, social and economic attrition not only of the Ukraine. The new sanctions of the United States, Great Britain, Canada and the European Union, the ever-closer link between Ukraine, the EU and Western countries and the simultaneous interruption of Russian-Ukrainian relations are determining a series of international decisions that will have stable repercussions in the coming years also for the transport of goods. KEYWORDS: Ukraine, Russian invasion, international transport, goods ORIZZONTI Some premises that triggered the conflict between Russia and Ukraine Calistrat M. Atudorei Forum of Non-Aligned Countries in Romania ABSTRACT The article compares the Western perspective and the one of Russian Federation regarding the reasons for the outbreak of the conflict on the territory of Ukraine on February 24, 2022. Official statements of the Pentagon or NATO, provisions of international treaties, documents of the US Congress and of Ukraine’s Government, military actions reflected by international bodies or by the Western media are briefly analyzed. The author's conclusion is that the decision of the Russian Federation to launch a military action in Ukraine was based on a complex of factors that are rather eluded by politicians and media in the Euro-Atlantic area. KEYWORDS: US, NATO, Russian Federation, Ukraine, conflict The legal status of Crimea and the Donetsk and Luhansk Republics Lo status giuridico della Crimea e delle Repubbliche del Donetsk e del Luhansk Rodolfo Bastianelli Analista di Geopolitica ABSTRACT In this analysis we will observe the legal status of Crimea after the 2014 referendum and that of the Republics of Luhansk and Donetsk, which unilaterally separated from Ukraine after the conflict with Russia that exploded the same year. In this regard, the issue will be analyzed both on the level of international law and on the political level, observing the positions expressed by the countries of the European Union and NATO as well as by Russia and Ukraine. KEYWORDS: Russia, Ukraine, International law, Crimea status, Minsk agreements Pandemic and explosion of social networks. Hypothesis of a taxation model Pandemia ed esplosione dei social network. Ipotesi di un modello di tassazione Enea Franza Direttore del dipartimento di scienze politiche di UniPace-O.N.U Delegazione di Roma di UniPeace-N.U. ABSTRACT Information that identifies or makes identifiable, directly or indirectly, a natural person and that can provide information on his characteristics, habits, lifestyle, personal relationships, health or sexual life, but also on the economic situation, and / or belonging to a political or trade union organization, are in fact available to the managers of the social platforms that constantly collect and sell such information to companies that rework them to guide the commercial offer. This phenomenon requires public intervention aimed at rebalancing the relationship between the subjects and the users of the services offered by the platforms, to socialize the added value achieved through the (often unconscious) acquisition of such information. The following contribution analyzes the phenomenon and investigates a possible form of compulsory taxation. KEYWORDS: taxation, internet, social network, public intervention From the Cotonou agreement to Post-Cotonou: reflections on the management of cooperation with third countries of the European Union Dall’accordo di Cotonou al Post-Cotonou: riflessioni sulla gestione della cooperazione con i Paesi Terzi dell’Unione Europea Giuliano Luongo Università “Pegaso”, Vision & Global Trends. International Institute for Global Analyses ABSTRACT On April 15, 2021, the European Union and its Member States initialed with the 79 ACP countries the renewal of the Cotonou Agreement, referred to as the Post-Cotonou Agreement, opening up new and formalised perspectives for cooperation between the EU and the countries of the African, Caribbean and Pacific regions. The agreement enshrines a new phase of cooperation between the geographical regions involved, pushing for the facilitation of the movement of people and means of production, with an enhancement of the protection of individual rights and, last but not least, the potential release of structural funds for the non-European countries involved. However, the new agreement remains blocked due to the ostracism of the nationalist wing of some European governments, which have in fact succeeded in undermining a multi-year diplomatic effort with negative short- and long-term consequences on the Union's actual strategic potential. KEYWORDS: European Union, Post-Cotonou, International Cooperation The Changing Face of the World. Multipolar perspectives from India, China and Russia Anton Friesen, International Relations expert - Petr Bystron, International Relations expert ABSTRACT The world order is changing fast – from a unipolar world, dominated by the United States, to a multipolar world. Especially the BRICS-countries, first and foremost China, Russia and India, are on the frontline of a world, in which the economic, military and cultural weight is shifting from the West to the East. This article explores views from New Delhi, Bejing and Moscow, from leading think tanks in the countries that will shape the new world order. KEY WORDS: Multipolar world order; BRICS; India; China; Russia The controversial lesson by Enrico Mattei La lezione controversa di Enrico Mattei Francesco Sidoti Professore emerito di sociologia e criminologia, Università dell'Aquila ABSTRACT By the most authoritative observers of his time and by the most prestigious information bodies, in Italy and abroad, Enrico Mattei was publicly defined as a maniac, a corrupter, a subverter of the Italian and international political order. The re-enactment of him took place for many years in a low voice and in a circumspect manner, in comparison with what Mattei represents and with the space that was given to others. He left an uncomfortable legacy and a lesson that is not as simple and linear as it is sometimes said. Enrico Mattei's lesson is generally understood as one of the worst chapters in a sad series: assassinations for political reasons. However, in this light, the moral that can be drawn from it is not just one. In particular, for some, referring to Enrico Mattei means referring to a prophetic and heroic legacy, for others it may mean that another lesson has been understood: it is better not to end up like him. In the eulogy it is not always perfectly clear which of the two lessons one wants to refer to. KEYWORDS: Enrico Mattei’s legacy, International political order, Cold war Cultural and scientific diplomacy in the “dark age” Diplomazia culturale e scientifica nel “periodo buio” Ksenia M. Tabarintseva-Romanova Ural Federal University named after the First President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin, Yekaterinburg, Russia ABSTRACT In the present work, taking into account geopolitical changes, the author aims to clarify the definitions of the following political terms used in foreign policy discourse: humanitarian diplomacy, cultural diplomacy, scientific diplomacy. The novelty is the expansion of the definition of humanitarian diplomacy. His interpretation includes not only the provision of humanitarian assistance, but also science, culture, education and sports. Everything related to human capital, human rights. It is worth noting that in difficult and difficult times, culture and science should remain a bridge between states. They are practically the only instrument of international dialogue, since their goal is the creation of universal and common benefits for all humanity. However, the examples discussed in the article prove the opposite. Culture and science are losing their universality and neutrality. They become politicized and engaged. Despite the declarations of organizations such as UNESCO, states tend to manipulate major cultural and scientific achievements into a hybrid form in order to realize their national interests. KEYWORDS: cultural diplomacy, scientific diplomacy, international relations, soft power, Russia. INTERVISTE Mineral resources in Latin America Le risorse minerarie in America Latina Eduardo Alfonso Chaparro Avila Departamento de Derecho Minero Energético de la Universidad Externado de Colombia, Universidad Santo Tomas RECENSIONI India Foundation Journal, Vol III, Issue No. 6 – November-December 2022 – ISSN 2347-1522 Le proposte dell’India per il G20 del 2023: multilateralismo e democrazia digitale? Alberto Cossu Vision & Global Trends. International Institute for Global Analyses The World System in transition: a panoramic view a cura di Charles Pennaforte, Editora UFPel, 2022 Maria Alessandra Varone Vision & Global Trends. International Institute for Global Analyses